Jul 1Liked by Jennifer Pahlka

Supportive of your “broken fuels extremism” statements: my major concern, relevant for this fall, is that when Democracy fails to deliver, it justifies to many a strangulation of Democracy.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Jennifer Pahlka

I think with California you do have to reckon with how our budgeting process, with its capital-gains driven boom and bust, is distorted by the legacy of a period where Republicans had a _lot_ more influence. This does not in any way excuse Dems for the last 20-30 years of mistakes -- a smarter CA Democratic legislature would've avoided over-promising when things are flush, set up a huge "rainy day fund" etc. But I think it still is unfair to say Dems are entirely to blame for the situation.


I also find it simultaneously hilarious and depressing that there are Republican states now talking about adopting something like Prop 13. In one breath they'll criticize CA's failures, and then in the next advocate adopting the one policy _most_ responsible for its failures. What's the point of being a cautionary tale if nobody takes caution from it?!

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Jul 1Liked by Jennifer Pahlka

I'm not going to claim that democrats aren't responsible in some regards, but more than any other thing prop 13 is the reason for the homelessness stemming from the 'locked in' property values, and the underfunding of education. What you'll find is most lawmakers in california are deep in real estate, and have no interest in devaluing their own property. Prop 13 isn't what I'd call a 'democrat' led initiative. Californians got sold a bill of goods, and they've been paying for it ever since.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Jennifer Pahlka

Build. Build. Build. Thank you for this terrific post.

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Excellent article. I believe this analysis also applies more generally to other countries grappling with similar problems generating discontent. Out-dated, layered processes that actually impede progress and change - instead protect the status quo for 'some' ensuring their self imagined entitlement.

For example, the lack of housing is a global issue for all the same reasons ...

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Understand the electric vehicle scam in this podcast, it is about control:


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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Refreshing perspective, Jen! "Extremism is a reaction to brokenness" is spot on; more accurately it is a response to brokenness. Focusing on fixing this brokenness by building state capacity is a timely and necessary pivot from much of today's discussion. Though we may still disagree on policy and its ends -- the nature of a constitutional republic -- the means of delivering on what is promised goes to the core of effective trustworthy government. As you hinted at, the "abundance" metaphorical has it's drawbacks and so does the somewhat mentally tortured neologism "supply-side progressivism".

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